Monday 1 September 2014

An update of August

Hello again everybody,

I would firstly like to apologise for the lack of updates in august I was extremely busy with travelling, meeting up with friends and family that I haven’t seen in ages. I also apologise for not uploading last night my laptop broke so I am now using my sisters. So this blog post will be about August in general and how busy my August has been.

So where to begin.....

So during August I went to camping in the Ashdown forest (AKA Winnie the Pooh Land) with some friends which I hadn’t seen in a while due to the fact that I had moved school for sixth form.  We stayed in the Ashdown Forest for 6 days  where stayed in tents and had a huge catch up round the fire toasting marshmallows, we also got involved in local activities like kayaking, rock climbing and then finally we decided we would explore the area  and go on a 5 hour walk. I defiantly wanted my bed after that walk especially seeing that we got lost in woods for 1 and a half hours. Although we got lost with my “amazing” map skills we managed to get back on track in no time. (In all fairness I was just hoping for the best ooops).

So this me whilst trying not to fall out of my kayak!

Yes of course I fell in so I had to empty it out! ----Mann there was a lot of water
I think I have got the hang of it now
 After returning from my amazing camping trip, I was back at home for a day before my family had decided that we were going to travel to London to go to a food festival.  I knew it wouldn’t be long before returning back to London. This festival was amazing for not only food lovers but people like me who like finding/trying new food that you would never experience an example of this would be gluten free cakes I would never have tried them as they were never that appealing to me but imp glad that I had tried it. The festival also features demonstrations, tastings and master classes with well-known chefs, as well as restaurant tents and a speciality producers market. There was also a Vintage Tea Tent, which hosted tea dances, BBQ and a Real Ale and Cider area. There also were many free samples that people were handing out which included tasters of a free ice cream created to promote Colgate toothpaste for sensitive teeth; after tasting the ice cream you would have to fill out a short questionnaire asking about how you found the toothpaste and if it worked. As I was answering the questions they asked me if I was in the 25+ category and not in the under 25. It went from one extreme to the other few weeks back when I was in London with Chloe and Lorna I apparently looked like a 9 year old and now look like a 25 year old hahah? I must age quickly then.

Just the surrounding area! it was so busy despite the weather.

Free sample of healthy popcorn...... mmmmm!

Here shows a part of the vintage Tea room

Different types of food out on display ready to be cooked and eaten.

Live cooking performance by  so many different chefs.

My amazing lunch; hosin duck wrap


An amazing cake made from rice krispies and icing

After the food festival I only had 1 day before I was going on my family holiday to France, it was so nice to have down time with the family seeing as we are all so busy doing our own separate things that we rarely spend time with all of us together. We stayed in a village called Holgate which is in Normandy.  The village was beautiful, the buildings were very unique and quirky; they all had personal quality’s to them which made the village completely different to villages here in England. Although we had an amazing holiday the weather wasn’t the best it rained every day except 1 which we decided that we would go to the beach which was about 15 minute walk from where we were staying.  So I thought I would do a day by day blog post of my trip to France rather than cram everything into this one post. so here is a quick snippet of my trip.



So here is an update of August for you it has been crazy busy for me and I will apologise one more time for not updating!

*Another little side note I start back at school this Wednesday so I won’t be going on as many big adventure like I have recently. 

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